Two polyclinics to be built under the supervision of the Department of Civil Engineering in 2024

Two polyclinics were erected under the supervision of the Department of Civil Construction at the expense of the capital's budget last year, said the head of the department Rafik Zagrutdinov.

He specified that one of them - children's polyclinic No. 23 - was opened on Lebedyanskaya Street, 33 in the district of Biryulyovo Eastern in the south of the capital.

"The five-storey building with a total area of 9.4 thousand square meters was built under the Targeted Investment Program and is designed for 545 visits per shift. The polyclinic has physiotherapy departments with massage rooms and physical therapy rooms, prevention departments, a trauma center and a modern clinical and diagnostic laboratory. Medical care here is provided according to the new Moscow standard," said Rafik Zagrutdinov.

On the first floor of the polyclinic there are offices of the doctor on duty and a trauma center with a separate entrance, on the second floor there are offices of pediatricians and a prevention department.

The third floor is occupied by specialized rooms and diagnostic facilities, while the fourth floor is occupied by a laboratory and a physiotherapy department. The fifth floor has administrative offices and a conference room.

The building has comfortable waiting areas and a room for mothers with infants. For children with infectious diseases, the facility has a separate entrance through a filter box.

The polyclinic has modern medical equipment, including ultrasound machines and functional diagnostics units.

A barrier-free environment has been created for people with low mobility, including special elevators and sanitary facilities. For the comfort of visually impaired patients there is Braille navigation and voice support in elevators.

The adjacent territory has been landscaped and parking lots for bicycles and service vehicles have been organized.

Also last year, within the framework of the Addressed Investment Program, the construction of the head building of polyclinic No. 11 on Vavilova Street in the Academic District in the south-west of the capital was completed.

The seven-storey building with an area of 11.5 thousand square meters is designed for 750 visits per shift and is equipped with the latest medical technology.

The building has a barrier-free environment for patients with low mobility. The layout of the premises is designed to reduce the likelihood of queues and provide maximum comfort while waiting for an appointment. In addition, there is a separation between healthy and sick patients.

The first floor includes lobbies, an information desk, areas for radiation diagnostics, taking tests and injections, and issuing sick lists. In addition, there is a healthy food café, a pharmacy, rooms for security guards and doctors on duty, fire alarm posts and an area for patients with acute respiratory infections.

The second floor is occupied by offices for unified reception, district therapists and general practitioners, and the third floor is occupied by offices of specialist doctors.

On the fourth floor there is a functional diagnostics area, an endoscopy department and a day hospital, on the fifth floor - a medical prevention department, specialist offices, ultrasound and vaccine prophylaxis.

On the sixth floor are the physiotherapy area and the physical therapy room, and on the seventh floor are the conference room and administrative offices.

Chairman of Mosgosstroynadzor Anton Slobodchikov noted that the agency controlled all stages of construction of polyclinics.

"A total of 46 on-site inspections were carried out at the two sites. As a result of the final inspections, the developers were issued conclusions on the compliance of buildings with the requirements of the project documentation, after which permits for their commissioning were issued: the children's polyclinic on Lebedyanskaya St. received documentation in March, and the consultative and diagnostic center with a polyclinic on Vavilova St. - in December last year", - added Anton Slobodchikov.

Creating a comfortable urban healthcare infrastructure is a priority for the capital. Opening new polyclinics helps in improving public health and creating a safe environment for Muscovites.

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